A challenge: generating an expression
Okay, here it is: suppose you have a string containing some substrings separated by ‘ | ’, and glued together into smaller chunks like {a | {b | c}}. Someone asks you to generate a complete sentence using random alternatives you have. A quick solution I’ve came up with is below: |
# coding: utf-8
src = '{Пожалуйста|Просто} сделайте так, чтобы это {удивительное|крутое|простое} тестовое предложение ' <<
'{изменялось {быстро|мгновенно} случайным образом|менялось каждый раз}';
r = Regexp.new(/\{[^\{\}]*\}/)
while (match = r.match(src)) do
match.length.times { |i|
offsets = match.offset(i)
chunk = src[offsets[0],offsets[1]-offsets[0]]
bracelessChunk = chunk[1..-2] #remove leading '{' and trailing '}'
alternatives = bracelessChunk.split("|")
selectedAlternative = alternatives[rand(alternatives.size())]
puts src
I have another solution (this time written in Java), which follows a different approach. I’ll post it later.